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Fun loving ALPHABETS through ANIMALS

This book is an initiative of Abhibyakti Research & Development Foundation (ARDF) to make the learning of alphabets a fun activity through animals. The content of the book would meet the needs of parents and teachers for better cognitive development of a child and comprehension of the subject matter.

Colour Learning Rhymes

We have designed this book to make our young ones learn the Colours more effectively in less time through rhymes and pictures. The book can be a perfect introductory tool for pre-school children to learn English words, colours and their use. The book can contribute to increasing focus and concentration of the child while having fun learning.

A Short Description about Domestic, Wild and Pet Animals

The book has been designed to make our younger ones learn about different types of animals and their habitat more effectively through pictures and small sentences. The book can be a perfect introductory tool for pre-school children to learn reading and writing English words, making sentences, and enhancing their vocabulary. The book can contribute to increasing focus and concentration of the child while having fun learning.

50 Things Around You

The book is designed to introduce the basic concepts to children that they find in their immediate surrounding. Each concept is associated with a picture that would help in better learning and retention. Further, basic communication skills like Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing of children can be strengthened as they would be using these concepts in their daily communication.

Workbook for Children (Part 1)

This workbook is designed keeping in mind the needs and interests of the kindergartener for the development of their sensory-motor and fine-motor skills in a fun way. This book can be a priceless engagement for children to a smooth world of future learning endeavors. Away from the digital world, this workbook would be highly engaging and entertaining for the children where they can play with letters, numbers, colours, shapes, pictures, and solving the puzzles.

know some persons around you

We live in a society and depend on each other for our daily needs. Knowing about persons around us would help children understand the value of other human beings in their lives. The book aims at introducing children briefly about some persons who play an important role in our lives as well as in the society. Further, children would learn some new concepts and improve their vocabulary easily through these brief descriptions of persons around them.

Poverty: By Chance or By Choice

“Why poor are poor? Who can cure poverty; ‘God’ or the ‘Government’?”‘NO POVERTY’ tops the list of Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Several government and non-government organizations are working towards ending poverty for a long time. But, much of their work and several anti-poverty policies have failed over the years because of a skewed understanding of poverty. Several theories and approaches, social scientists, and laureates often miss capturing the intrinsic cause of poverty. Ending poverty in all its forms requires an understanding of poverty in all its forms, including the nucleus of it.Careful attention has to be shown towards the pieces of evidence for making thoughtful assessments on what really impacts the poor and their poverty. The authors delve deepinto the human psyche to understand why the poor are poor through intriguing case-studies. Poverty: By Chance or By Choice is a book that can widen the horizons for a better understanding of the poor and the poverty.

Tell Me A Story

The book can build the writing, reading, and critical thinking abilities of the child. With its incremental approach, the book can address a range of writing levels and abilities. Exercises integrated with each story promote critical thinking and facilitates learning, and increase knowledge retention. The book is a complete package of knowledge and fun, where children can learn with fun and grow.

500 Must Know General Knowledge Questions

The children are curious by nature. 'Why the leaves are green,' 'How many days are there in a year,' 'Which is the fastest animal on earth,' and the like questions that children ask as they grow. 'Who,' 'Why,' 'What,' 'Where,' 'Which,' and 'How' ignites and stimulates the little minds. Some facts like this encourage a child's curiosity to explore more and more. The questions and answers given in this book can provide the children with the nuggets of information that could keep them engaged. This book contains a variety of information and facts designed for the children to enhance their general knowledge.

ପରୀକ୍ଷାରେ ପରୀକ୍ଷାର ମୂଲ୍ୟାଙ୍କନ: ଭାରତୀୟ ଶିକ୍ଷା ପ‌‌ଦ୍ଧତି

"ପରୀକ୍ଷାରେ ପରୀକ୍ଷାର ମୂଲ୍ୟାଙ୍କନ : ଭାରତୀୟ ଶିକ୍ଷା ପଦ୍ଧତି " ଲେଖିକାଙ୍କର ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଭାଷାରେ ଦ୍ୱିତୀୟ ପୁସ୍ତକ | ଆମର ପ୍ରଚଳିତ ଶିକ୍ଷା ପଦ୍ଧତି କିପରି ଯନ୍ତ୍ରମାନବ ତିଆରି କରିବାରେ ବ୍ୟସ୍ତ ହୋଇ ମାନବସୁଲଭ ଗୁଣ କୁ ଭୁଲି ନିଜକୁ ସଂକୁଚିତ କରିଚାଲିଛି, ସେ ସମ୍ପର୍କରେ ଏହି ବହିରେ ଦଶଟି ମର୍ମସ୍ପର୍ଶୀ ପ୍ରବନ୍ଧ ରହିଛି I ପାଠକ ମାନେ ବିଶେଷ କରି ଶିକ୍ଷା ସହିତ ଜଡିତ ବା କୌଣସି ବ୍ୟକ୍ତିବିଶେଷ କିପରି ଶିକ୍ଷାର ବ୍ୟାପକତାକୁ ହୃଦୟଙ୍ଗମ କରିପାରିବେ, ଏହି ଲକ୍ଷ ନେଇ ଲେଖିକା ଆଶାବାଦୀ |

500 Word Problems: (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division) For Class 1 and Class 2

This book includes 500 Word Problems that involve the operation of addition to subtraction, multiplication and division, and even multiple operations simultaneously meant for the beginners, to ensure math flexibility, comprehensive skill, critical thinking, creativity and application of skills. The book begins with the most basic types of word problems and progresses through to the advanced ones. Solving these word problems can teach the child how to focus first on the words and their meaning in the problem, and then on the numbers and breaking down the problem into smaller segments to help them work through. The word problems in this book can keep the child’s mind elastic and nimble and improve their understanding, their memory, and their creativity.